Lowongan Kerja Metro TV
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Metro TV membuka lowongan kerja bagi para profesional dan juga fresh graduate untuk bergabung di perusahaan TV swasta nasional ini. Posisi/Post/Program yang ditawarkan adalah:
Jangan lupa untuk menyertakan kode posisi di subjek email.
Untuk selengkapnya silakan aja langsung cek di microsite laman karir metrotv atau jelasnya seperti di bawah ini.
- Metro TV Management Development Program (MMDP – HR)
- Java Developer-EB DESK (kode: JAVA)
- Data Warehouse Specialist-EB DESK (kode: DWS)
- GraDP – Graphic Design Development Program
- Account Executive Multimedia (AEM)
Persyaratan Umum
Lowongan untuk berkarir di metro TV ini terbuka bagi Sarjana S1 dan Diploma, D3 , pria dan wanita , berusia maksimal 35 tahun. Dengan lulusan dari S1 Manajemen, Psikologi, Hukum Bisnis, Keuangan, Akuntansi, Teknik Industri, Teknik Sipil, Sistem Informasi, Teknik Komputer, Teknologi Informasi, Diploma Desain Grafis atau DKV, dan Sarjana umum / lainnya.Tata Cara Kirim Lamaran Kerja
Lamaran dapat dikirim dengan menyertakan CV, dan foto terakhir melalui email ke: recruitment@metrotvnews.comJangan lupa untuk menyertakan kode posisi di subjek email.
Untuk selengkapnya silakan aja langsung cek di microsite laman karir metrotv atau jelasnya seperti di bawah ini.
Metro TV Management Development Program (MMDP – HR)
- S1 (Bachelor degree) from Management, Psychology, Bussiness Law, Finance, Accounting, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Information Systems with GPA min 3.00
- Max age 26 years old
- Have strong interest in Media Industry
- Good Team Player , Achievement Orientation
- Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
- Good interpersonal and Communication Skill
- Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)
- TOEFL Score min. 450
Java Developer-EB DESK (kode: JAVA)
- 25-35 Years Old
- University graduate majoring in Computer Engineering / Information Technology.
- Experienced in development using Java System Portal
- Have extensive skills at JAVA programming language including debugging and refactoring.
- Other systems integration experience to the portal is an advantage.
- Possess strong knowledge in Relational Data Bases at least one of the following : SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle.
- Strong foundation in Algorithm & Logic.
- Good communication skill.
- Good team player, a great self-starter, and self motivator.
- Highly motivated and able to work in team.
- Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
- Fast learner.
- Good English both verbal and written.
- Willing to travel domestic and overseas.
Data Warehouse Specialist-EB DESK (kode: DWS)
- 25-35 Years Old
- University graduate majoring in Computer Engineering/Information Technology.
- Experienced with Pentaho and/or other ETL Tools.
- Possess strong knowledge in Relational Data Bases at least one of the following : Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, or others.
- Possess strong knowledge in one or more scripting language required in data warehousing.
- Strong foundation in Algorithm & Logic.
- Good communication skill.
- Good team player, a great self-starter, and self motivator.
- Highly motivated and able to work in team.
- Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
- Fast learner.
- Good English both verbal and written.
- Willing to travel domestic and overseas.
GraDP – Graphic Design Development Program
- Min. Diploma Degree from Graphic Design or DKV, with GPA min 3.00
- Max age 24 years old (Diploma) and 26 years old (Bachelor)
- Have strong interest in Design / Motion Graphics, and the new trend/technology
- Creative, dynamic and smart ● TOEFL Score min. 450
- Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)
Account Executive Multimedia (AEM)
- Bachelor degree, Max. 27 years old
- Min. 2 years experience in sales online media (target 2 billion / year)
- Good networking with agency and advertiser
- Good knowledge in power point concept, viral marketing and creative online marketing
- Dynamic, creative and have an interest in sales area
- Fluent in English (written & oral)
- Willing to work in flexible long hours
Send your CV, application letter, and recent photograph to:
Please write the position code as your subject
Please write the position code as your subject